The Cold Blast!
If you are lucky enough to live by a lake or the sea, a morning dip is a fantastic start to the day. Leap in first thing and enjoy the rush of endorphins and the natural high you will most certainly feel afterwards! If, however, you don’t have either the access (or the inclination!), try finishing your morning shower with a cold blast. By this I mean turning the temperature control to the coldest it will go, taking a deep breath to steel yourself, and getting under that shower head for as long as you can bear it. I have one every day and can vouch for the amazing feeling you experience after (not at the time!!).
There are numerous health benefits associated with this including:
– Boosting your immunity: as your body tries to warms itself, there is an increase in metabolic speed rate, and the number of disease-fighting immune system cells released
– Can reduce stress: the cold lowers levels of uric acid and boosts glutathione in your blood, making you feel less stressed.
– Improves alertness: as you are plunged into (or under if you are showering) the freezing water, you naturally take deeper breaths which increases your oxygen intake
– Pain relief and a natural high: when plunged into cold water, your body releases endorphins in reaction to the burning sensation on your skin. This can also act as an anti-inflammatory and can reduce pain. The cold also stimulates the ‘blue spot’ which is the brain’s primary source of noradrenaline (a chemical which plays a role in alleviating depression)
– Improves circulation: blood is diverted to your organs to keep them warm and stimulates the circulatory system. This is especially effective if you alternate between hot and cold temperatures, known as contrast water therapy
– Can help promote fat loss: cold temperatures can increase the production of brown fat (the good fat!) which burns energy and produces heat
– Boosting the libido: cold water is also said to increase testosterone and oestrogen levels
– Can improve the condition of your skin and hair: Hot water can dry out the hair and skin, but cold water prevents it losing too many of its natural oils and gives hair a lovely shine. The cold water also makes your skin look healthier by shrinking the pores. This is especially effective if combined with a body brush before you shower, which aids lymphatic drainage
– Finally, it is a great test of will power and you will feel extra virtuous on top of all the other benefits mentioned!
It is important to mention that if you suffer from the following conditions, you should avoid cold showers due to the potential shock to your system:
• Heart disease
• High blood pressure
• If you are ill or have a fever If in any doubt, always consult your GP or Health Care Professional.
The Benefits of Being in nature I spent my childhood living in Sweden and developed a passion for nature and all the wonderful health benefits that spending time outside can give you. Researchers at Stanford University found that people who walked for 90 minutes in nature showed decreased activity in the region of the brain associated with a key factor in depression, and experienced less anxiety and rumination, as well as more positive emotions such as happiness. Other research has shown nature to heal and soothe our minds, reduce blood pressure and improve cognitive function. Forest bathing – Shinrin-yoku ‘taking in the forest atmosphere’. Developed in Japan in the 1980s, it has become a cornerstone of preventative health and stress management in Japanese medicine. Forest bathing involves quiet walking in a forest taking in the sounds, smells, colours and shapes, and the health benefits include measured changes in immune markers and stress hormones. Research has shown that as little as 15 minutes spent in a forest can lower cortisol levels, boost the immune system and reduce anxiety. Researchers believe the immune system is boosted when you breathe in organic compounds called phytoncides released by trees.
With our busy, modern lives, many of us are becoming more and more disconnected from nature, and it is crucial that we get outside as much as possible. It can be tough in those winter months, or when the weather is grim, but training outside (who says you need a gym when there are trees to lash TRXs to or benches to do press-ups and step-ups on!) has shown to increase levels of serotonin and can reduce the boredom and fatigue that you can experience when training in a gym.